The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Seduced by The Dark Side | Embracing the Grain

    2018-10-19 14:34:26 UTC
    Yesterday was a fascinating experiment in Low Light Shooting.  After a great chat with Fujifilm X-series Ambassador Flemming Bo Jensen, I ordered his E-Book on Music Festival Photography and decided to go out and shoot in the dark.  Flemming is an expert on Festival Photography, his work involves shooting in…

  2. Henry

    2018-10-18 10:07:33 UTC
    To live a long happy and healthy life is lofty goal. He achieved it. He did so with great class, dignity and character. I have known Henry since the early 1980s when I joined The Magic Circle. We have been friends ever since. My mentor is he. His conduct and…

  3. Daily Ritual

    2018-10-16 20:48:23 UTC
    My friend and coach, Bryan Peterson has encouraged all of us to KEEP SHOOTING. I took this to heart. My intention is to create, at the very least, one image a day, no exception. This way of shooting feels good. It lifts my mood and spirit. Being deaf is no…

  4. Natural Light | Mum

    2018-10-13 14:10:32 UTC
    I create images of my Mother regularly. These are for me. My memories. Life is impermanent. I choose to celebrate with her now. As time marches on each moment captured is a celebration. A joy. Each image A reminder of love, through our family United.

  5. Self Portrait

    2018-10-04 23:14:46 UTC
    Gritty. Somewhat dark. Shades of melancholy. That’s my world right now. A time for regeneration. Chaotic destruction required for the rebuilding to begin. Finding a sanctuary for peace and contemplation has been a blessing. Out of the ashes, The Phoenix has rising.🙏🏾 In spite of things, life today reminded me…

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