The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Kodchrome - A New Love Affair

    2019-04-09 16:32:29 UTC
    I have no doubt in my mind, if Kodachrome film was available today I would be shooting roll after roll. I am so happy that it is possible to create a digital version of the Kodachrome look in camera on my X100T. I must give credit to Fujixweekly. This kind…

  2. Kodachrome On Fuji

    2019-04-08 23:47:28 UTC
    My journey in image creation began way after the era of Kodachrome Film. This was magic from another dimension. Having studied the work and images of Steve McCurry I came to appreciate this very special roll of Colour Film. It is no longer in production - if it was, a…

  3. My Journey So Far

    2019-04-07 22:17:39 UTC
    This image of The Great Wall of China will forever by a reminder of where my Photography was eight years ago. This was created using a camera I still pine for, The Nikon D90. In hindsight, I question myself now as to why I sold it for an upgrade? Silly…

  4. Be Ready

    2019-04-03 17:05:46 UTC
    This image is the moment I live for. A surprise. A miniature flow of water at the back of. Theatre. X100T Built in ND filter engaged - ISO 200 2 second Shutter Speed at F/11 It might not be a spectacular Water Fall - it is however enough because it…

  5. Suprise

    2019-04-03 12:20:44 UTC
    I never leave home without my Camera. My iPhone doesn’t count. When I am home it’s usually the X100T. As Professional Magician, I do shows every month all over London - last night I was at The Hertford Theatre. I left home early to catch my Train. At Kings Cross…

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