The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 2020 Vision | 18 Going on 16

    2020-06-09 16:52:23 UTC
    How wide is wide? 14mm, 16mm or 18mm. That is a lot to choose from not to mention the terrific 10-24mm F4. As an XPro2 Shooter, I was enamoured with the 16mm 1.4. I felt I didn’t need it because of already owning the stellar 16-55mm. It’s tricky thing to…

  2. 2020 Vision | Seeing Like Henri

    2020-06-08 20:51:30 UTC
    There is something about Henri Cartier Bresson that resonates with me. He struck me as a Bon Vivant with a Leica. A man who enjoyed and celebrated life even when he wasn’t creating images. His Leica was always close to hand for the moment when Life said “take me Henri”. …

  3. 2020 Vision | A Perfect Combination

    2020-06-05 23:14:12 UTC
    The XPRO 2 fits my hands perfectly. The XT1 is just a bit too small for my magician hands. The X100F is also too small, with a grip it improves slightly the comfort factor. I mention all of this economics because the last thing on my mind with the Xro2…

  4. 2020 Vision | Bond And Terry O’Niell

    2020-06-04 13:55:22 UTC
    I was very sad when I heard Terry O’Neill had passed away. He was a world class Celebrity Photographer. His images covered the 1960s right up to his death a few months ago. I was thrilled to discover he was chosen to cover one of my favourite subjects; Bond…Janes Bond.…

  5. 2020 Vision | Playtime

    2020-06-03 18:46:32 UTC
    This was a special moment. Father and Son engagement full of fun and love. Little Sister behind the tree. I thought this gesture of playfulness, happiness and joy was perfect♥️ The Pandemic isn’t stopping natural love from being expressed. In this moment, this little boy knew he is loved. Thanks…

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