The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Embracing The Light

    2021-08-24 08:48:04 UTC
    My Mother is my Alarm Clock. 05:00 am. She is up. No point negotiating about going back to bed. Broken Sleep Pattern. Grumpy start to the day. Dementia doesn’t care. I shower, get ready and head to the bakery. The morning Light reminds me everything is ok. Life continues because…

  2. X-Pro1 | Understanding Exposure

    2021-08-23 16:06:20 UTC
    I have been reading many reviews and watching a few videos on YouTube about the merits of the X-ProI in 2021. This Camera was released in 2012. The Technology in this Camera is now considered old compared to the X-Pro System that Fuji has update in the last ten years.…

  3. X-Pro1 | 52 Assignments - 2

    2021-08-22 13:27:16 UTC
    2nd Assignment : Exposing for The Highlights. This assignment is really interesting because it got me to focus on the bright areas in my image. Exposing for the Highlights while keeping my dark areas reasonably dark and yet legible is tricky. Our eyes can make quick adjustments to the different…

  4. XPro-1 | 52 Assignments - Cont

    2021-08-21 11:50:28 UTC
    I am still on the first Assignment. I felt the need to practice and consolidate my learning. These images were created by paying attention to the Light and where the light was falling. Also, I have been using Spot Metering, to target a specific area to ensure good exposure. Spot…

  5. XPro-1 | 52 Assignments -1

    2021-08-19 15:43:02 UTC
    Continuing on from last post entry, I thought I would practice this Assignment a bit more. I knew what I was looking for. A pocket of light. My cards was the subject caught in the beam of light. This meant paying attention to where the light was coming from and…

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