The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. The Moment

    2020-04-16 16:30:51 UTC
    It takes courage not to disturb a scene. How close is close enough without my presence impacting a developing moment? How far away without being creepy? I think I may have found the perfect balance and answers to my questions. The XF90mm F2. My favourite Lens for Street Photography is…

  2. The Fuji XF90mm F2

    2020-04-15 19:01:14 UTC
    I recently acquired The Fuji XF 90mm F2. I think this may be my favourite Fuji Lens. The XF35mm 1.4 has stolen my heart for day to day image creation - however, the XF90mm has been on my Bucket List for some time now simply because I just love Faces.…

  3. Moments of Intimacy

    2020-04-14 22:43:43 UTC
    Intimacy. There’s a word to strike terror in our hearts. I had a profound shift in my relationship with this word after completing The Landmark Forum. I was taught that physical proximity doesn’t equate with Intimacy. Intimacy is about having the courage to be truly seen by another. This means…

  4. Illness To Stillness

    2020-04-14 21:38:07 UTC
    The last few weeks have been horrible. Food Poisoning sucks big time. It robbed me of all vitality and joy. Add to this the global Pandemic of Covid-19 and looking after my mother who is firmly in the grip of Vascular Dementia, that should give you some idea of my…

  5. Lock Down

    2020-03-24 19:57:42 UTC
    I cannot believe what is happening. A Flu Virus killing everyone. The whole Country now in Lockdown.  Social Distancing adding to even more vulnerability. I still need to create an image per day, that’s my minimum. Getting out of the house is critical for my well being. Now, its a…

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