The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Silly O’clock | Golden Hour

    2022-10-28 16:13:07 UTC
    Just the thought of getting up early to catch the morning Light fills me with dread. I fully appreciate the subtle nuances of creating images at this time. If I lived in the country side, no question, I would push myself to do it. It just so happens, every Friday…

  2. Training My Vision

    2022-10-27 13:22:14 UTC
    Learning the vision of a Wide Angle Lens has become a very important part of my Photographic development. Zoom Lens and Telephoto optics are great when required; subject matter dictates their best expression. The Wide Angle is a beautiful expressive Lens for telling stories. I have documented many times how…

  3. Its All White

    2022-10-27 07:54:29 UTC
    This is how it began. I didn’t set out with this theme in mind; the lady above in white caught my attention. And then… My visual radar switched on and it became treat of seeing the colour white expressed in full fashion glory. Once I connected with it, I decided…

  4. Captain Tintanic

    2022-10-13 11:55:31 UTC
    One of my great joys in life are the unexpected encounters I have meeting people. This is why I NEVER, leave home without my camera. I saw “Captain Tintanic”, aka Major Mick Stanley at Little Venice yesterday. What caught my eye was the colour of his Union Jack costume. I…

  5. Searching for Beauty

    2022-10-11 12:53:48 UTC
    Searching for Beauty is inspired by Saul Leiter. The quest to find beauty in the everyday moments of life is of great interest to me. The things I see everyday is my reason to feel joyful and hopeful. I believe gratitude is at the source of this exploration. Nature reveals…

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