The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Feeling Life

    2022-08-18 09:52:20 UTC
    I don’t think for one minute we are born into this context of life to live in a state of desperation. Yes, our instincts is to survive, by any means and resources at our disposal. I just feel there is a big missing in this reality. We have lost the…

  2. F22 | Epicscape

    2022-08-17 20:25:32 UTC
    I don’t consider myself a Landscape Photographer. I live in the London suburb of Maida Vale. If I lived anywhere remotely close to Hills, Valleys and Mountains,I would be up at the crack of dawn to catch the morning light. Having said that, I have studied the work of great…

  3. 35mm | Seeing The Possibility

    2022-08-17 10:35:12 UTC
    Being ready is imperative to capturing a great moment. The only way this can happen is if my mind is open to life. Being open to life means being receptive and responsive without conscious thought. This mean knowing my Camera settings impeccably well. Life is happening 24/7. Being attentive to…

  4. Between Worlds

    2022-08-16 19:50:05 UTC
    Seeing my mother like this has been one part sadness and another part fascinated observer. You read that right; I am observing my Mother in this last stage of her life. Don’t get me wrong, I could die before her, however, this experience has given me a unique opportunity to…

  5. EDC | Peace, Stillness & Equanimity

    2022-08-15 16:11:59 UTC
    I am using my X-Pro 1 as my everyday Camera right now. I am enjoying it because it is forcing me to slow down. Slowing down means I can be still enough to be at peace. Being Still provides a space for Acceptance. Acceptance is the access to Peace. Peace…

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