The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. FV | The Earth has Fallen

    January 23, 2023
    Having my Camera with me at all times is a must. The reason is obvious. I EXPECT to be surprised, delight and astonished by life. I just don’t know what life will present to me. When I leave my house, I am ready to respond. Keeping myself open is pure…

  2. FV | The XT1 - An Appreciation

    January 21, 2023
    I have been using my XT1 extensively over the last few weeks. This Camera came out in January 2014. I got mine that year to compliment my X100T - this was a formidable set-up. It took me a while to fully bond with The Fuji EcoSystem. The Mirrorless Approach felt…

  3. FV | My Street & Travel Kit

    January 20, 2023
    If you have followed my Journal, you will have come across the gear I use regularly. It has taken me a long while to narrow down my kit into a workable, practical and efficient solution for the images I actively seek out. Let’s break this down so you can understand…

  4. FV | Raw Power

    January 20, 2023
    In the last year, my editing skills have improved. Thanks to Scott Kelby and his Books on Lightroom, I have a much better understanding of how to literally paint with Light. The Image above is The Raw File. Today, while on the Train home from Blackpool, I did an in…

  5. FV | A Fresh Vision of Blackpool

    January 20, 2023
    With a travel time of 4 hours, visiting Blackpool was never a pleasant experience for me. The Blackpool Magicians Convention always took place in mid February. This time of year means it is cold, wet, windy and just plain miserable. Even more so Traveling to the north west of England. …

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