The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. FV | A Landscape of Mystery

    2023-01-07 20:23:47 UTC
    The Human Face. A Landscape of Mystery. A DNA composite of Mum & Dad. Who am I? Who are You? What is the narrative behind the eyes; the window to the soul? I am fascinated by the human face; we all look so different and yet, we all share the…

  2. FV | The XF 56mm 1.2

    2023-01-07 18:30:03 UTC
    This is my final test drive before my adventure kicks off. This Fresh Vision and Field of View is as exciting as it gets. The Fujifilm XF56mm 1.2 is the X-Systems 85mm. I have had this Lens a long time, it has not received much love from me. Using it…

  3. FV | Party Time

    2023-01-06 23:42:59 UTC
    I met Paul Atherton just before Christmas. I really enjoyed his company. He invited me to his after Christmas Party and it was great fun. A very nice mix of people showed up. As always I had my Camera with me to document the event. I learnt a few things…

  4. FV | Standard Vision ?

    2023-01-06 08:03:02 UTC
    The 50mm Lens is a wonderful optics. It sets the standard for everything in my Photography. While this is not my natural vision and field of view, I do appreciate the skill involved to make this field of view work in harmony with the 35mm Frame. I am choosing my…

  5. FV | Preparing for an Adventure

    2023-01-05 15:33:07 UTC
    Every adventure begins with preparation. My next adventure is no different. I won’t say what it is for now, I will simply share my preparation and why. Over the last few days, I have been experimenting with different focal Lengths. Yesterday, my Vision was set to 35mm. Today, I set…

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