The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 30 Day Challenge Day 25: Ask

    March 7, 2021
    Some of my best moments came about by asking. I saw this hand in repose. It communicated to me. I did not wish to create this moment candidly because the owner of this hand was in his car - obviously so I approached him and said hello.I told him I…

  2. 30 Day Challenge Day 24: Magical Lens

    March 7, 2021
    I really love the XF18-55mm. It’s that simple. This image was created with my focal length set just between 23 and 35mm. I was aiming for a 27mm field of view. I really like using my XF27mm - I treat it as a slightly wider 50mm on a Full Frame.…

  3. 30 Day Challenge Day 23: One The Edge

    March 7, 2021
    30 Day Challenge Day 29: Life takes on many forms inside a context of individual expression. This I find very appealing to observe. As you know, I am studying Contemplative Photography right now thanks to the excellent E-Book by @valeriejardin. The first thing I did was look up the definition…

  4. 30 Day Challenge 22: Peace

    March 7, 2021
    Peace. That was his gift to us. Peace in his name. What does this mean? His sacrifice on the cross means we don’t need to suffer. What’s happening in our world 🌎 is a different conversation compared to the focus we can have on his greatest gift. His sacrifice on…

  5. 30 Day Challenge Day 21: Stillness

    March 7, 2021
    To be still is who we are. Stillness is our true identity Silbce Stillness Serenity. All three virtues merge into the voice of the one. The One. The Silent Messenger. Master of all that is and ever will be. X

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