The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Humanism | Emotion, Expression & Gesture

    2022-11-15 13:10:15 UTC
    Humanism comes alive through the unbridled self-expression of the human being. There is something compelling about humans which forces other humans to stand, stare, watch……..and photograph. Whether we like it or not, we are all connected through this narrative called being human. Our expression is as unique as our finger…

  2. Humaism | The Human Narrative

    2022-11-14 23:08:21 UTC
    Humanism in Photography carries an important question, “what is happening right now”? Observing and interpreting what is happening allows the scene to unfold whilst being ready to seize the moment. The human narrative is a complex web of mystery, drama, intrigue and emotional content. Humanism in Photography is the highest…

  3. Humanism | Moments of Stillness

    2022-11-13 21:46:10 UTC
    Moments of stillness. To be still, is to truly know oneself. Still in one’s own being. Stillness is a beautiful expression of life. No pretence. No judgment. Just an authentic statement that communicates…….. I AM That’s it… I AM…… To be continued…. Thanks for reading

  4. Humaism Photography | Life on The Run

    2022-11-12 22:15:29 UTC
    The title of the post is a big credit to Henri Cartier Bresson. My research in to Humanism in Photography has revealed a lot of inspiration from French Photographers. Henri Cartier Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Robert Kapa and Brassai all excelled at this discpline. Life on the run conveys energy and…

  5. Humanism | Observing

    2022-11-12 12:12:03 UTC
    Since I started this Project, I have noticed my observation becoming sharper and in tune with life. Observing goes beyond looking. Observing is seeing with real intent. What is going on or happening right in front of me? This question initiates a powerful point of focus on a given scene…

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