The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. A Month of Introspection

    2017-03-17 22:33:00 UTC
    Fallen tree This has been a dark month, emotional - the shadow of death has hung over me like The Dementors. My happiness has been challenged and I see this reflected in my shooting. If every image I create is a self portrait then you will see the world through…

  2. Reflections on the past week

    2017-03-05 22:32:00 UTC
    I have come to appreciate the rain, the quality of light after a down pour is quite something to behold when viewed through a camera. Reflections take on a different feel. These two were not taken today but a few days ago when I was in my coffee shop. This…

  3. The Long Walk

    2017-03-05 13:00:00 UTC
    My long walk began at Southwark Station. My shooting begins the moment I feel compelled to shoot. No agenda, just pure feeling. This station is a triumph of architectural immagination. Once outside the station, it was just buildings and reflections - this was compelling to me. Inside The Tate Modern,…

  4. The Absence of Colour

    2017-03-02 21:03:00 UTC
    I have heard a few Photographers say, “I see in Black & White”. This has intrigued me because I see Colour, everywhere. I live in a world of Colour. So, it has puzzled me this notion of seeing in Black & White. Nothing wrong, just my personal enquiry into what…

  5. Practicing My Vision

    2017-03-02 01:08:00 UTC
    Today was just about seeing and feeling. Colour, Light and the Illusive Gesture in the moment. Green Apple’s, a vision of health. This annoyed me, no bin? or just plain lazy to find one. This lifted my mood and then the colour red added to the scene. This was interesting,…

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