The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 2020 Vision | Regeneration

    September 16, 2020
    This environmental study begins with the regeneration of my block. For the last 18 month me and my neighbours have lived right on top of a construction site. The gorgeous forecourt is all gone. Ripped apart. Beechcraft House was formerly a home for abandon children - all gone, demolished. The…

  2. 2020 Vision | Classic Frame

    September 15, 2020
    Over the next few days, I am revisiting an old friend. My first ever Fuji Camera was the epic X100T. This came with a fixed lens, a 23mm at F2. This focal length translated in classic 35mm on a full frame. I call this a classic frame because 35mm was…

  3. 2020 Vision | I see Jesus Everywhere

    September 14, 2020
    My Daily walks are my sanctuary now. Camera in hand. Empty mind. Just walking. Observing. Seeing. Feeling. Waiting for life to say this is yours. I see Jesus in all his disguises. Disguised as plants. Sentient life form. My mother’s eyes, reveals his presence. Glorious light of the world. The…

  4. 2020 Vision | Portraits Of People

    September 13, 2020
    People moments is another subject I love. Watching. Observing. Life in these moments reveals so many expressions. I wait, contemplate and then create. Candid moments are ok. Some scenes I don’t want to disturb. My joy are the Portraits that reveal something. Character, Expression and Identity. My best moment occur…

  5. 2020 Vision | Rainbow Jam

    September 13, 2020
    We all know the impact of seeing a Rainbow. It’s one of nature’s great gifts to us. How do you feel when you see a Rainbow? It’s a very personal moment, as if Mother Nature is saying, “this is for you”🌈 A Red Hat. Red Shoes Stylish Accessories. A Rainbow…

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