The Adventures of Michael Vincent
Kodchrome - A New Love Affair
April 9, 2019
I have no doubt in my mind, if Kodachrome film was available today I would be shooting roll after roll.
I am so happy that it is possible to create a digital version of the Kodachrome look in camera on my X100T.
I must give credit to Fujixweekly.
This kind…
Kodachrome On Fuji
April 8, 2019
My journey in image creation began way after the era of Kodachrome Film.
This was magic from another dimension.
Having studied the work and images of Steve McCurry I came to appreciate this very special roll of Colour Film.
It is no longer in production - if it was, a…
My Journey So Far
April 7, 2019
This image of The Great Wall of China will forever by a reminder of where my Photography was eight years ago. This was created using a camera I still pine for, The Nikon D90.
In hindsight, I question myself now as to why I sold it for an upgrade?
Be Ready
April 3, 2019
This image is the moment I live for.
A surprise.
A miniature flow of water at the back of. Theatre.
Built in ND filter engaged - ISO 200
2 second Shutter Speed at F/11
It might not be a spectacular Water Fall - it is however enough because it…
April 3, 2019
I never leave home without my Camera.
My iPhone doesn’t count.
When I am home it’s usually the X100T.
As Professional Magician, I do shows every month all over London - last night I was at The Hertford Theatre.
I left home early to catch my Train. At Kings Cross…