The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Fuji 27mm F2.8

    July 30, 2018
    This is a truly amazing Len. It’s small size really undermines its power and versatility. Yes, you read that right, this Pancake Lens offers a field of view slightly wider than 50mm and it is perfect without being too Wide Angle, if you know what I mean. The form factor…

  2. Happiness

    July 24, 2018
    Happiness is an elusive concept. Elusive because we can spend our live looking in the wrong place for it. Happiness is not something bought for, bargained for, or traded for, no. Happiness is a special place to come from. A friend of mine once said, “we were born happy, our…

  3. Multiple Layers of Learning

    July 21, 2018
    One of the great missions in life is the creation of meaning. Viktor Frankle wrote a book about this. My life has seen me ebb and flow between searching, experiencing frustration, feeling at peace and joyful on this path toward fulfilment. I am constantly enquiringly into the purpose and meaning…

  4. When The Old Becomes New Again

    July 20, 2018
    This image was created five years ago on my Canon EOS 500n. It is quite ironic looking at this image now. Back then, while I was interested in Photography, it did not full land me how significant shooting on film would be for me. I have fully embraced creating images…

  5. Back To The Future

    July 18, 2018
    The image above was created today using, my iPhone and edited on my phone using Snapseed. I find this interesting; technology has moved on since I first purchased The Canon EOS 500N. I have a lot of print photographs. In fact, It took amazing photographs, I remember taking to South…

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