The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Constant Improvement

    December 26, 2018
    I have had problems with my eyes since birth. Short sighted. Coates Disease since on my left eye along with numerous operations. I had an awakening with my photography and field of view. I am right eye dominant which means I do not see the way most people do who…

  2. Professional Engagement

    December 22, 2018
    I am very proud to share that over the last few months, I have shot a few professional engagements. Sporting Lunches - a fabulous concept. Sporting celebrities show up at a prestigious venue as guest of honour. The room is packed with people from all walks of life and Business.…

  3. Winter Wonderland Meets The XT1

    December 19, 2018
    It’s Winter Wonderland in London right now. This was a perfect excuse to sign up for a workshop on Long Exposure image creation this evening. This workshop was organised by Andrew Mason of 36 Exposure. Andrew provides great training for Photographers covering virtually all disciplines. Tonight it was pitch black-…

  4. Change of Pace

    December 15, 2018
    As much as I love my Fuji Cameras , I felt the need to re connect with my past. I once created images on 35mm Film. I LOVED IT. I still love it and felt the strong pull to shoot film. I am using The Canon A1, a Retro Classic.…

  5. Fuji Colours

    December 9, 2018
    The Fuji Film Simulations really come alive at night. Ambient light only. Embracing the dark side means high ISO. Nevertheless, my XPro2 handles this assignment with ease. The colours come alive. Life becomes a vivid expression. We live in a world of colour. I see in colour. Black & White…

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