The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Wintering

    2023-03-04 16:41:54 UTC
    Wintering. I had not heard this expression before. My friend Marie Noelle brought it to my attention recently. It is the title of Book by Katherine May. Wintering is a term that described a period of time where we as individuals feel the need to shut down, go into exile,…

  2. 40mm

    2023-03-03 14:32:12 UTC
    The 40mm Field of View has become a very interesting Frame for me. In the image above, you can see my X-T1 fitted with The TTArtisan 27mm F2.8. This tiny Pancake of a Lens gives me a field of view equal to 40.5mm on Full Frame Camera. At 40mm, it…

  3. The Warmth of Light

    2023-03-02 15:43:05 UTC
    The Temperature of Light has a powerful impact on my mood and emotional state. When I leave my house, the first thing I do is take a Temperature reading of the Light. I don’t need any fancy equipment to this. I can feel it. Today was perfect, I could feel…

  4. Self Portrait

    2023-03-01 23:23:54 UTC
    My images right now reflect my mood. Stillness. Silence. Contemplation. Questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? Who Cares? Fork in the road. What next? Empty & Meaningless. Constant regeneration. Life, a series of adjustments, for what? Who or what are we becoming? Is it too late? Who am…

  5. F for Fantastic

    2023-02-28 12:06:46 UTC
    Sumin | A chance encounter led to this wonderful moment.Sumin and I had something in common. We both had our Cameras with us. As we approached each other, I smiled at her, she smiled back with curiosity looking at my Camera.She stopped and engaged me in conversation about my tiny…

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