The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Portrait of a Predator

    2017-09-19 11:32:10 UTC
    Have you ever looked a Predator in the eye?  I have.  It was thrilling and intimidating at the same time.  He did not blink and flinch, neither did I.  This was a photographic moment I was not going to miss.  He was no more than 20 feet away from me,…

  2. 30 Days with the X-Pro 2 and the 35mm

    2017-08-17 15:34:48 UTC
    I have just completed a thirty day project shooting with the X-Pro2 and the 35mm 14 Lens. This was inspired by Andrew Gibson - Andrew wrote a blog about this amazing Lens and I realised I had not really given myself the opportunity to experience how good it could be…

  3. Maida Vale - My Home

    2017-08-17 15:02:33 UTC
    I have lived in Maida Vale all my life. I love this place and can see myself here for the rest of my life. My neighbourhood is changing.  New developments are taking place right where I live.  I am using this opportunity to record my neighbourhood because in two years…

  4. Portraits from the Streets

    2017-07-11 17:20:35 UTC
    This was another magical moment.  These two lovely ladies stop me in Portobello today and asked me to take their photograph using their camera.  I kindly obliged, when they thanked me, I heard an accent.  I said, “where are you from”?  They said Spain.  I instantly greeted then both in…

  5. PRIDE London 2017

    2017-07-09 14:23:52 UTC
    London Pride 2017 kicked off in colourful style today and for the first time in my life, I held a Rainbow in the Palm of my hand. I can only hope a Pot of Gold follows. This Rainbow symbolises, hope, peace, love, equality and acceptance for all. In honour of…

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