The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. The World is My Studio

    2022-09-08 07:41:13 UTC
    The World is a big playground for me. The best part is, it’s free. The best studio for my image creation. All of my best Portrait moments have occurred far away from the constraints of being tied down to an actual premises. I once did a photoshoot with a model…

  2. Feeling The Vibe

    2022-09-07 20:59:20 UTC
    I make a minimum of two visit to the Hospital everyday. I see mum, feed her lunch and then, she sleeps. I watch over her for a little while as I watch her breath, wondering to myself, how many heart beats left. My trips to the Hospital are punctuated by…

  3. 24-70mm

    2022-09-06 13:27:03 UTC
    The Fuji 16-55mm F2.8 is the X-System version of the classic 24-70mm F2.8 I love this Zoom Lens from both Fuji & Nikon - it is a fantastic tool for expressive, immersive imagery. At 16/24mm, you must get close. Foreground interest sets the tone for the visual conversation. 24 to…

  4. 83 Years Young

    2022-09-05 20:07:31 UTC
    This was a moment of pure magic. The Nurses in mum’s ward all gathered around her bed and sang “Happy Birthday”. I did not expect this; you can imagine my surprise when I arrived today. The Nurse on reception said “Its your mum’s Birthday, we always buy a cake if…

  5. The Craft of Photography

    2022-09-04 20:22:39 UTC
    Photography is a wonderful craft and technical discipline. This study and practice is on going and never ending. The different genres, subject matters and projects all come with its own subset of skills and creative expression💫. If I lived in the country side, there is no question or doubt in…

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