The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Archive Memories

    2021-12-11 18:09:39 UTC
    Reviewing my Archive from the last 9 years has been quite an adventure. It has left me stunned, sad, happy, grateful and curious. My images reveal a deep connection to life and beauty in the ordinary. What is considered ordinary very often is the access to inspiration. My Archive is…

  2. Reviewing My Archive

    2021-12-08 15:29:11 UTC
    I was thinking deeply about my expression as a photographer. Why? What’s my purpose in this? While going through my Archive, I felt the stirring of an answer. Life is Beautiful - La Vita Bella. I coined a phrase a while back called the expression of life. If life is…

  3. My Trinity

    2021-12-06 21:53:58 UTC
    The Holy Grail. The Epic Threesome. In Photographic Terms - a Three Lens Kit that covers all the shooting parameters for my Visual Narrative and Expression. Environmental Context People, Places, Culture Portraits & Documentary I am still contemplating my Trinity. I know with certainty The 33mm 1.4 is going to…

  4. Night Vision

    2021-12-02 23:15:48 UTC
    Everything changes at night.Creating images at night when there is very little Light becomes very interesting to me.Painting with Light when there isn’t much requires a different type of strategy.A fast lens as required. My choice of optics is The 16mm 1.4. I can’t see myself using anything else for…

  5. Trees At Night

    2021-11-30 20:57:31 UTC
    I just popped out to the shops with my camera in hand. I knew the Pines and Needles Crew would still be working hard. Perfect timing. They were serving a customer. She found the Tree she wanted. All that was needed was to saw of the end and net the…

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