The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 35mm | Creating Joy

    2022-08-10 16:07:54 UTC
    I have zero attachment to gear. I know what I like. I shoot Film with an old Canon A1 - it works fine. In 2013, I was toying with the idea of the 5D MK iii. I went with The Nikon D90 - I loved that camera. These two images…

  2. Letting Go

    2022-08-09 19:40:28 UTC
    Life and Death represent the paradox Lao Tzu speaks of in his2nd Verse of The Tao Te Ching. Each create the other. Living this great paradox is part of the great way for all of us. Acceptance. Peace. Serenity. Equanimity. To be committed without attachment provides an access to letting…

  3. 35mm CF | 14mm Epic Frame

    2022-08-09 15:46:10 UTC
    By now, you will know how much I love the Classic Frame of 35mm and its matching optics. The slightly Wider Frame of 28mm is my natural visual expression. 28mm & 35mm are very close to each other so my choice in using one over the other comes down to…

  4. Enduring

    2022-08-09 12:34:21 UTC
    I sit quietly and just allow myself to be still in her presence. She sleeps. Drifting in and out of this strange reality called……Life. Stillness is a beautiful space to be. It allows me the opportunity to accept and be greatfull for everything. While sadness is present, I am examining…

  5. Searching for Hope

    2022-08-08 20:13:10 UTC
    I see no point in keeping these images to myself. Some of the most astonishing moments in life have brought tears to our eyes. This is only because great photographers were courageous enough to document events of unimaginable horror. My mother is doing ok, she is stable. Her Nurse Rebbecca…

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