The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 2020 Vision | Open & Receptive

    2020-05-26 10:33:23 UTC
    We are already Happy and Joyful. This is our birthright. Being open and receptive to life is simply a reminder of what it is, has and always will be. Our Joy and Happiness will find us engaged in some form of activity. Shoot what you love - this is a…

  2. 2020 Vision | Finding Joy

    2020-05-23 23:46:18 UTC
    I am 56 years old. I look in the mirror now and see Morgan Freeman’s love child staring back at me. At this stage of my life with all the global Pandemic drive people nuts, I am asking big questions of myself. I have achieved everything I set my heart…

  3. 2020 Vision | Candid or Asking

    2020-05-21 19:22:56 UTC
    Candid moments can be a truly awesome expression of life. Disturbing the scene to ask permission will not work. I rather capture the moment and apologies after. Some of my best moments however came out of a conversation and then asking. I saw this gentleman sat proudly in his obviously…

  4. 2020 Vision | The Expression Of Light

    2020-05-20 13:04:54 UTC
    I am studying Light, Colour & Gesture by Jay Maisel at the moment. It’s a wonderful study about everything else regarding creating an image. There is no mention of Camera Gear or anything technical. This book is all about being open, receptive and responsive to Light. As I read this…

  5. 2020 Vision | The Expression Is The Gesture

    2020-05-19 21:20:54 UTC
    This image was created about 30 minutes after meeting Karen for the first time two years ago. It was for my ongoing project A Celebration of Women. This set the context for all of my future Portraits Sessions. The authentic expression is a beautiful gesture. We spoke, got related to…

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