The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Expanding Vision

    2017-05-12 00:21:51 UTC
    It is very easy to become jaded by the familiar. I have to remind myself to think and feel like a tourist. I live in a beautiful part of LONDON - Maida Vale & Little Venice. I see it everyday and think I have seen it all.  No, I haven’t…

  2. French Students in Canary Wharf

    2017-05-10 21:23:24 UTC
    I was in Canary Wharf on Business today and I met some French students before my Business Meeting. I initialy saw this image above and caught the shot, what happened next caught me by surprise. The young man leapt into the air and did backward flip - I had my…

  3. Self Image

    2017-05-09 23:09:47 UTC
    Every photograph I take is a self portrait. Thanks to my mentor Bryan Peterson for that beautiful insight. How do you see your self?   Think about this question please.   Do you “see” yourself because of your reflection in a mirror?   Imagine for a moment if there was no such thing…

  4. Brick Lane

    2017-05-08 22:09:39 UTC
    This is where my adventure started, Aldgate East Station last Sunday. The night before, I made up my mind to visit the east end of London just stroll taking in this iconic part of London. I loved every minute of it. I have driven through this part of town many…

  5. News Flash

    2017-05-05 13:22:54 UTC
    Daily news, it keeps us all up to date with current and world affairs. It’s the same new everyday happening to someone else. Britexit, death, politics, unhappiness left right and centre. A total absence of joy. The big news was Prince Phillip stepping down from his Royal Duties. The even…

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