The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. People | The Expression of Character

    2022-03-29 17:18:18 UTC
    This time now is the revolution of the individual. I actually think this quest for identity has been on going since man first stood upright. The significant difference now is we have a platform accessible by anyone who has access to the Internet. The quest to feel and be unique…

  2. The Expression of Light

    2022-03-23 23:43:11 UTC
    It occurred to me that Light is a subject of its own. It has quality, direction, texture, intensity and a malleable energy. Using the Light to define a subject is the normal procedure. What about Light as the main subject? This I find very interesting. Shooting into the Light. This…

  3. What’s The Point ?

    2022-03-22 19:13:05 UTC
    Colour, Light & Expression. What does it all mean?I can remember vividly the joy of holding a Photograph in my hand.The Joy was greater than the act of creating the image. The Act itself was full of joyful enthusiasm. The background intention was the joy of CREATION.This is it. Photography…

  4. Colour, Light & Expression

    2022-03-21 21:04:50 UTC
    My last few days of shooting have been a wonderful meditation. The Light has been very pleasing. This prompted me to revisit the thinking of Jay Maisel. Jay Maisel is a legend. His Photography is a celebration of life and all that it entails. He is one of my inspirations…

  5. Finishing a Roll of Ilford HP5 400

    2022-03-19 23:20:07 UTC
    This Camera is over 25 years old. It had a roll of Ilford HP5 400 still inside. 11 Exposures left. I thought why not. The thing that surprised me is how well it still works.🤣 This Canon EOS 500n was purchased around 1995. I never thought for one minute Photography…

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