The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Sheer Madness

    2017-05-02 20:03:19 UTC
    What is wrong with people? Drivers are now held accountable for using their phones while driving, What about Cyclist? The number of road tragedies concerning Cyclist has risen. It is likely to rise even further if this moment is anything to go by. The people across the road seem to…

  2. The Colour of Life

    2017-05-02 19:49:09 UTC
    These three images represent a moment in time when I saw, felt the moment and caught a wonderful expression of life. The first image was my emotional reaction. The second image, I was more daring and one of the girl caught me shooting - I smiled, she smiled back. I…

  3. Buskers Delight

    2017-05-02 19:22:00 UTC
    I am learning very quickly that speed on the streets is a required skill. I have been shooting recently with my camera set to Shutter Speed Priority with an action stopping speed of 1/500sec with my ISO set between 400-1600. This set up on my X-Pro 2 has yielded some…

  4. A Piece of History on My Door Step

    2017-03-30 08:54:00 UTC
    Don’t see these too often.  An irresistible moment.  I never leave home without my camera.  Moments like these take me by surprise and are worth capturing.  This is why I love this craft.  It reminds me that life and moments are what memories are made of, memories worth creating and…

  5. Glorious London

    2017-03-22 23:21:00 UTC
    In the space of a few hours I experienced London in two realms, Joy and fear. Last night I was invited by my friends Valerie and Raskita to City Hall for a guided tour. I got to see where our Mayor of London operates. The last time was I here…

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