The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Glorious London

    2017-03-22 23:21:00 UTC
    In the space of a few hours I experienced London in two realms, Joy and fear. Last night I was invited by my friends Valerie and Raskita to City Hall for a guided tour. I got to see where our Mayor of London operates. The last time was I here…

  2. A Month of Introspection

    2017-03-17 22:33:00 UTC
    Fallen tree This has been a dark month, emotional - the shadow of death has hung over me like The Dementors. My happiness has been challenged and I see this reflected in my shooting. If every image I create is a self portrait then you will see the world through…

  3. Reflections on the past week

    2017-03-05 22:32:00 UTC
    I have come to appreciate the rain, the quality of light after a down pour is quite something to behold when viewed through a camera. Reflections take on a different feel. These two were not taken today but a few days ago when I was in my coffee shop. This…

  4. The Long Walk

    2017-03-05 13:00:00 UTC
    My long walk began at Southwark Station. My shooting begins the moment I feel compelled to shoot. No agenda, just pure feeling. This station is a triumph of architectural immagination. Once outside the station, it was just buildings and reflections - this was compelling to me. Inside The Tate Modern,…

  5. The Absence of Colour

    2017-03-02 21:03:00 UTC
    I have heard a few Photographers say, “I see in Black & White”. This has intrigued me because I see Colour, everywhere. I live in a world of Colour. So, it has puzzled me this notion of seeing in Black & White. Nothing wrong, just my personal enquiry into what…

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