The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Honour our Elders

    2017-05-03 19:19:51 UTC
    I saw this elderly gentleman taking shots last Saturday and I just had to say hello. He was friendly and gracious, we chated briefly about cameras and shooting. This encounter got me thinking. I just had this feeling in my heart - if I can be out shooting well into…

  2. The Game of Life

    2017-05-03 19:03:36 UTC
    This Blog Post is dedicated to my friend Julian, a 9 year old Chess prodigy. Chess is a fascinating game. It could almost be the the game of life, in a none threatening context. And yet, it is full of implications and outcomes so closely related to the study of…

  3. Life on the Edge

    2017-05-03 18:07:42 UTC
    We come into this world empty. Full of possibility. Pure potential. No Fear. Since I started learning about Photography, I knew that I wanted to photograph people from all walks of life. I was surprised how confronting it was to asks  complete stranger that I found interesting, “can I take

  4. Selfridges Beauties

    2017-05-02 20:30:47 UTC
    It was a lovely day last Saturday The Sun on Oxford Circus was beautiful, the light was perfect. I was walking down Oxford Street with my friends Aljaz and Petra enjoying the Buskers. I was shooting away and caught sight of these two lovely ladies outside Selfridges. I went into…

  5. Making Connections

    2017-05-02 20:24:21 UTC
    My personality as a Street Photographer is all about making connections with people - this comes from my work as a professional magician. I can’t help it, it is who I am.  Without connections, who are we? I walk about with a smile on my face, camera at the ready.…

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