The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Coffee & Portrait

    2022-07-19 09:38:32 UTC
    My local Coffee Shop is my Portrait Studio. Maida Vale is full of Cafes, Coffee Shops, I know most of the owners. The Coffee Shop is a place where the community hangs out. First thing in the morning, like I do, or late afternoon. Wherever I travel in the world,…

  2. Photographic Identity

    2022-07-17 10:00:28 UTC
    Identity is an interesting concept to me. When we come into this board game called Life, we came not knowing the rules of the game. This context leaves us at a distinct disadvantage. We are useless for the first few years of our lives. We need support from our environment…

  3. Archive Memories

    2022-07-16 15:05:17 UTC
    My Archive is my happy place. It is here that I can connect with the joy of my life. The privilege of traveling to far flung places. I wouldn’t have had these experiences if wasn’t for my career in Magic. These first few images were created in Tandil. This town…

  4. Today | Sunshine & Heat

    2022-07-14 19:07:34 UTC
    It has been documented to shoot in the shade and to avoid harsh midday sun light. While it becomes difficult controlling how much light gets recorded on our sensor, its not mission impossible. Finding shade is a good idea. It makes it easier to achieve a good exposure. The Sunny…

  5. Fearless Capture

    2022-07-13 12:16:40 UTC
    Fearless Capture is all about being 100% responsive in the moment. I am not looking specifically for a photo. I am open to the possibility of a story - A Visual Story. My current narrative is Characters. Individuals who project an unapologetic vibe and energy about themselves. This really captures…

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