The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 2020 Vision | Lockdown Verse ll

    2020-09-24 11:46:34 UTC
    Lockdown Verse ll. Domestic duties. Life continues. Daily Rituals, Cards and Coffee. Somethings keep me grounded while certainty dominates the atmosphere. I am grateful for being able to hold a Camera and a Deck of Cards. Sight. Manual Dexterity. Knowledge. Acquired Skill. Wonderful gifts to learn and create. The best…

  2. 2020 Vision | 35mm - The Classic Frame

    2020-09-23 10:44:15 UTC
    I am learning more about creating images within the Classic Frame. The #xf23mmf2 is vintage 35mm wide but not too wide. Just wide enough for a context driven narrative. This field of view is great training because it forces me not to waste my 16 mega pixels on my sensor. …

  3. 2020 Vision | Looking, Seeing & Vision

    2020-09-22 16:42:05 UTC
    They sound the same don’t they? Looking. Seeing. Vision. Just because you are looking at something, have you seen it? Close your eyes? What colour do you see? With your eyes closed, what’s your vision of a better future? We are all trapped inside The Matrix - what’s your vision…

  4. 2020 Vision | Visual Vocabulary

    2020-09-22 14:38:50 UTC
    My friend and coach Bryan Peterson taught me a valuable lesson; he said, “learn the visual vocabulary of any Lens you use”. Simply put, this means learn how any given Lens “sees”. I make a point of doing week long, sometimes a month of shooting with one Prime Lens. I…

  5. 2020 Vision | Community

    2020-09-21 20:57:01 UTC
    To continue this visual observation on the environment, I am drawn today to the community that adds texture and expression to life here in Maida Vale. My neighbours make life magical. I see them most days and it adds texture and joy to my life. Even the people I don’t…

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