The Adventures of Michael Vincent
The Joy of Seeing
June 29, 2022
The joy of seeing for me has become more about being taken by a moment.
This simply means a moment has stopped me in my tracks.
What is it about a moment, a scene, an expression that compels me to create an image?
I could easily manufacture a clever answer:…
The Need for Speed
June 28, 2022
This has to be one of the trickiest exposure techniques to get right.
It has been for me.
A very frustrating learning process.
Get it right and the moments looks spectacular.
This is an example of a slow Shutter Speed while tracking left to right or right to left…
16 | The Golden Rule
June 27, 2022
Inspired again by my friend and teacher, Bryan Peterson; his new Book on Street Photography is fantastic.
I have learnt so much from studying his Books. My biggest learning has been understanding the full range of creative exposure.
What was once a complex issue, has now become as effortless as…
June 18, 2022
I cannot express in words how I felt when Elvis died.
I was 13 years old.
The last time I felt that sad was when my Uncle Elmo was murdered.
I am sharing this personal story because Elvis is back.
A new film about the life of Elvis has been…
Deep Vision | Spacial Awareness
June 15, 2022
As you know, my natural vision is wide.
So using a 35mm F2 Lens is interesting for these deep frames.
I am standing around 10 meters away.
Waiting for my characters to enter the Frame.
A 50mm is an odd choice for a wide field of view - it works…