The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. A Little Piece of Heaven

    2022-05-27 14:56:22 UTC
    I have been documenting my neighbourhood for the last 9 years. I create images everyday of some element of what is home to me. Its the little details now that add up to a glorious narrative about Maida Vale, my home. Its amazing to think this part of London got…

  2. Colour Vision

    2022-05-26 18:23:28 UTC
    Black & White is a compelling and dramatic element to image creation. I know this to be true because 20th Century History was documented this way long before Colour was accepted. The World has been full of Colour long before the very first exposure and yet Colour Photography was frowned…

  3. Monochrome Vision

    2022-05-25 14:57:42 UTC
    This has been a very educational process. I recently watched a few Videos on Black & White Photography. They all offered up different, subjective points pf view. I appreciated the point of view by Alan Schaller; “Shoot Black & White on Purpose”. This advise goes against what I have been…

  4. Street Photography

    2022-05-25 12:13:42 UTC
    Street Photography.I hate labels Photography is exactly that - creating images.So creating image while out for a walk is an opportunity to engage with life and be open to the possibility of being surprised, delighted, confronted by the expression of life. This means people. The Environment. The culture of a…

  5. MW | My Approach to Black & White

    2022-05-25 08:58:54 UTC
    I have heard many Photographers say “ I see in Black & White”. This confused me. I think logically and speak straight. “Are you Colour Blind”? “No”, would be the reply. Being even more confused, I was too embarrassed to ask any further. I never bothered with Black & White…

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