The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. February 2023 - Reset

    2023-02-01 05:06:19 UTC
    Street PhotographyMy DefinitionFirst and foremost, I consider myself a Photographer.It’s that simpleIn 2013, I set out to fully learn, understand and master how to create an image using this little magical Box called a Camera.This is the foundation upon which my entire photographic identity stands. To define Street Photography is…

  2. FV | Moving On

    2023-01-31 19:09:34 UTC
    I started 2023 with a clear intention - Fresh Vision. My purpose was to seek out things I had not seen before. I can tell that I was missing my Mother and seeking a fresh point of view of life was another form of distraction away from my sadness. Life…

  3. FV | Coffee Shop Moments

    2023-01-31 14:51:26 UTC
    Observing. Feeling. Interpreting. My Coffee Shop Moments Project is an exercise in seeing the human being. Interpreting the mood and ambience. The Project is a another context for Humanism in Photography; the study of people within the Frame. I am noticing that the Coffee Shop is a great place to…

  4. FV | The Deeper Narrative

    2023-01-30 17:12:07 UTC
    Every moment within the Frame carries a deeper narrative; this narrative communicates something much more than the surface level image.Every image is an invitation to look and feel deeper into this narrative called Life. I have been using my XF90mm all day today during my domestic duties. My brain automatically…

  5. FV | Seeing Deeper

    2023-01-29 20:44:54 UTC
    Seeing long is part of my natural vision. 70mm to 85mm is my normal range. The XF90mm pulls my vision in even closer with amazing optical magic - the compression of space. If you look at at the image above, the two blocks of apartment look very close together. Would…

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