The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Argentina - Off To Uruguay

    2019-04-23 17:05:18 UTC
    My first day and night in Buenos Aries was eventful - my morning even more so. We were up early to catch the Ferry to Uruguay. I was able to create an image of sunrise from a moving car. The Ferry Terminal looked like a space age Balloon Show. Inside…

  2. Argentina - The Latin Influence on My Magic

    2019-04-23 12:10:35 UTC
    As a professional Magician, the Latin influence of my work began when I first saw Slydini on television. This was a life changing moment - 1978 would be the year my life took a dramatic turn. The image above was taken in 1982 in Slydini’s studio of magic. It is…

  3. Argentina - My Spiritual Home

    2019-04-23 10:50:12 UTC
    I arrived in Buenos Aries very early in the morning so I had a full day ahead of me. This was my very first ever image created on South American soil. It is from the roof terrace of my apartment in the Belgrano district of Buenos Aries. A very nice…

  4. Kodachrome Before Argentina

    2019-04-11 23:38:23 UTC
    I leave for South America tomorrow so I thought I would create and practice a few more images with my Kodachrome Simulation today. I really love this Digital Recipe of Kodachrome. I must thank FujiXWeekly for sharing his ideas and experimentation. It has inspired me to create my own Fuji…

  5. Kodachrome - Expressive Colours

    2019-04-10 01:00:07 UTC
    In studying old images shot on Kodachrome, I have to accept that film and digital are two different components. So be it. What is fascinating is how the Fuji Engineers can create such a wonderful digital profile that matches their Films. I still shoot Film as part of my work…

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