The Adventures of Michael Vincent
Being Empty
2021-09-24 19:36:12 UTCBeing empty is about having no agenda. Acceptance for what is, can be a perfect starting point to explore new possibilities. Allowing life to simply be. No where to get to, Not seeking any outcome. Just being in the flow of the grand conversation and yet, not of it. This… -
The Joy of Seeing
2021-09-23 23:12:15 UTCI never leave home without my Camera and Deck of Cards. The Camera has joined the team in my day bag. I never know what I am going to see or who I will meet. Wearing my Camera has now become an important part of my fashion statement. My Camera… -
XF14mm: To Love A Rose
2021-09-22 11:36:25 UTCMy gratitude for nature and spending time everyday in her company is time with the creative energy of the force. My photography allows me the opportunity to be totally empty and simply allow the force energy to come to me and work through me.I saw this Rose. Someone had removed… -
XF14mm: Candid Music
2021-09-21 19:08:48 UTCBeing deaf is no fun. Music was a great joy in my life. It still is because I can still feel and strangely enough, hear the melodies of all the music I once enjoyed. I was tempted to say hello to this gentleman, but he was lost in the realm… -
XF14mm: Spectacular Vision
2021-09-21 15:34:16 UTCI don’t consider myself a WIDE ANGLE Shooter. Even though I have the XF16mm, the XF18mm and the classic frame 23mm, I don’t normally go wider the 16mm. The XF16mm equals the perfect 24mm field of view and is my sweet spot for storytelling compositions. Today, I felt like seeing…