The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. X-Pro 1 | Quiet Time

    November 9, 2021
    When I lost my hearing, silence became my best friend. I do wear a hearing aid - it’s turned off until I need support with my lip reading. My afternoon walk with my Camera and silence is a perfect partnership. Creating images with no sound to distract me is a…

  2. X-Pro 1| A Marvel of Technology

    November 8, 2021
    The image above was created last night during the Blue Hour. My exposure was crap because I didn’t appreciate a simple truth about my X-Pro 1. For exposures longer than 2 Seconds, with this camera, I needed to be in Bulb Mode. My other cameras automatically adjust my exposure time…

  3. Playing With Light

    November 6, 2021
    Light governs everything in image creation. It’s a relationship like no other. From one day to the next, the Light dictates the flow of our relationship. It would be easy to say, I have no say in this relationship - however, yes, the Light dictates, all the Light is saying…

  4. The Light At Night | Colour Magic

    November 4, 2021
    Shooting at night before I lose the glorious Blue Light from Sunset is important to me abs my visual expression. I need that mixture of ambient light and light from buildings. It’s no different using my strobes. I strive to get the different light sources playing together. Once the ambient…

  5. XF16mm F1.4

    November 4, 2021
    Welcome to my review of this stunning Lens by Fuji Film. I don’t consider myself a reviewer of any kind. My observations on this Lens will be based on actually usage and evaluating the results. Fuji have given us two Prime Lens in this specific focal range the 16mm 1.4…

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