The Adventures of Michael Vincent
Contemplation: Beauty
March 22, 2021To see beauty is to embrace gratitude. Every creation in life is complete, perfect and whole. Even the ordinary moments possess a quiet dignity worthy of attention . The beauty I see in God’s world is complete. All we need to do is open our hearts and see. X -
Contemplation : Seeing Deeply
March 14, 2021With every image of her, I get to see deeply into the true nature of love. What is this nature? The true nature of love is to contribute and serve. You will not know this for yourself until the person you profess to love can no longer take care of… -
Contemplative Images
March 12, 2021I have started a new study with my Photography - Contemplation. Seeing deeply Feeling intently Allowing the moment to just be. This moment speaks volumes. Stillbess Early morning tiredness Confusion caused by Dementia. And… There’s my own internal sadness and documenting this cruel and brutal human experience. My Mother has… -
Contemplative Creations
March 11, 2021My new project is about seeing deeply. Contemplation is a personal enquiry into myself. Who am I? So what? Do I matter? Does it matter? I am grateful to this subject of Photography. It has allowed me another access for engaging with my life and being alive. Creating images is… -
30 Day Project Day 30: New Beginning
March 10, 202130 Days of using The XF18-55mm taught me many things. I learnt simply that learning to use what I have is more important than the latest and greatest new equipment. G.A.S. has its time and place. It shouldn’t get in the way of progress and mastery, As I said, I…