The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. The Study of Colour | Green - The Colour of Life

    2022-05-30 07:50:09 UTC
    Green is a Colour I cannot ignore. It is everywhere. In my neighbourhood, I don’t have to go searching. It’s in my immediate field of vision. It’s the first thing I see when I leave my home. Next to my Home is a Home for the elderly. The Colour Green…

  2. The Study of Colour | Red Vision

    2022-05-29 20:55:29 UTC
    Classic Cars dominate Maida Vale. Not shortage. I saw this beauty this evening. Why not I thought. A Red Mercedes oozes class. Its a bold statement by whoever choose this Colour. When all is said and done, its s symbol of power, passion, boldness, wealth and temperament. Thanks for readind

  3. The Study of Colour | Seeing Red

    2022-05-29 13:43:14 UTC
    Welcome to this Academic Study of seeing Colour. My friend and mentor Bryan Peterson has taught me and all of his worldwide students about the beauty and magic of Colour in Photography. I have come to appreciate how much Colour, especially Primary Colours draws my eye and attention. I am…

  4. The Magic of Colour

    2022-05-28 22:33:01 UTC
    I am dedicating the next few weeks to the study of Colour. After my academic interest in shades of grey, I was left feeling dark and sombre. I know why. My Mother. I am very happy that I documented my mother’s life with my Camera. As I look back on…

  5. Seeking Beauty

    2022-05-28 17:27:03 UTC
    Look with your eyes. See with your mind. Feel with your heart. You don’t have to look far or even hard. Beauty is right where you are. What does beauty mean to you? Really think about this. Whenever I see people holding hands, this is wonderful thing. Its a thing…

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