The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Humanism | Tribe

    2022-11-12 09:53:19 UTC
    Humanism - Tribe | Wanna be in My Gang?Remember that song from the 1970s?It’s 2022 and the vibe now is Tribe. Developing a Tribe, Crew, Posses or Team to experience and share life with.This aspect of Humanism speaks right to the core of authentic relationships, trust, safety, rapport and a…

  2. Humanism | Connection

    2022-11-10 18:34:45 UTC
    Connection is right at the heart of the human experience. Who we are is tied directly to the people we love. The image above communicated two stories to me. One, a lone figure on her phone in contrast to a mother fully engaged with her daughter. I could easily make…

  3. Humanism

    2022-11-10 15:40:00 UTC
    Humanism in Photography is all about People. Welcome to my new Project. My goal is to capture in 35mm the heart and soul of The Human Being. Allow me to rephrase that. The Human. Being. My intention is to allow my core identity of dignity, respect, compassion and humanity for…

  4. VC | A Day at The V&A

    2022-11-07 15:55:34 UTC
    South Kensington always offers up a few choice moments. Visual stories in a single frame. People being themselves. Girls on a day out. Grace and Alice - two new friends. and The David I stopped off at The Victoria & Albert Museum. I Like to sit quietly in this gallery…

  5. VC | A Story in The Frame

    2022-11-06 08:46:21 UTC
    Visual Communication | My adventure with The Viltrox 33mm 1.4 continues. Fuji Film have a brand new XF33mm 1.4 and the reviews are singing high praise for its performance. The Viltrox in my opinion is superb, I am delighted with it, especially on my X-Pro 1. The 50mm field of…

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