The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 50mm | The Wider View

    2024-07-09 20:39:45 UTC
    The 50mm Lens offers up a suprising versatility when shooting wider scenes. The ability to create a wider scene gives me a vision that matches my eyes without any optical trickery. With a 50mm and creating several Frames to be stitched in Lightroom, I am left with a vision of…

  2. 50mm | Earning The Frame

    2024-07-07 08:10:40 UTC
    The 50mm Lens makes you work for your supper. That middle ground field of view might be how we see with our eyes but it's a different ball game when creating a frame worthy moment. The image above was created using a 50mm Lens. It doesn't at seem possible considering…

  3. 50mm | Mid Point Perfection

    2024-07-05 05:14:45 UTC
    1 - 100… 50 is the half way point. This calculation is my mind making friends with the mathematical focal range available to me. In terms of focal length, 50mm is the mid pint before we enter telephoto territory. This assumes the full frame sensor is being used - no…

  4. Refined Vision - Everyday Beauty

    2024-07-03 16:37:12 UTC
    I love this concept; refining my vision is an ongoing study. Slowing down, no rush, appreciating life as it unfolds right in front of me. Taking my time to really see and appreciate the totality of life through my subject. The 50mm 1.4 is my choice of Lens because it's…

  5. The Little Venice Canal Cavalcade 2024

    2024-05-05 14:54:58 UTC
    The May Day Bank Holiday is here and The Canal Cavalcade is back. This yearly event celebrates life on The Grand Union Canal. This means the people who live on Boats, sail along The Grand Union and moore their Barges and Boats at Little Venice. This event is colourful dynamic…

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